Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

metabolisme menurut bahasa kampung gue

Metabolism is all the chemical reactions that occur in organisms, including those that occur at the cellular level.

In general, the metabolism of a two-way path of organic chemical reactions,

     catabolism, ie reactions that break down molecules of organic compounds for energy
     anabolism, ie stringing reactions of organic compounds of specific molecules, to be absorbed by the body's cells.
Cell respiration, metabolic pathways that produce energy (in the form of ATP and NADPH) from fuel molecules (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins). Metabolic pathways are also involved in cell respiration digestion of food.
         carbohydrate catabolism
             Glycogenolysis, the conversion of glycogen into glucose.
             Glycolysis, the conversion of glucose into pyruvate and ATP without oxygen.
             Pentose phosphate pathway, NADPH formation from glucose.
         Catabolism of proteins, hydrolysis of proteins into amino acids.
     aerobic respiration
         electron transport
         oxidative phosphorylation
     Anaerobic respiration,
         Cori cycle
         Lactic acid fermentation
         ethanol fermentation

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